Leisure In India: Alternative Medicines

YogaTraditional System of Healing practiced in the Indian subcontinent:

The aim of achieving and maintaining an optimum state of health has always exercised the minds of men since the earliest of times and as a consequence various systems of healing developed in different parts of the world. Ayurveda evolved in India as the natural way of healing or naturopathy. For centuries it was the only system of medicine. Around the same time, other variations like the concept of'Yin Yang' developed in China while Unani saw its beginning in Greece. With the passage of time, these systems progressed into independent branches of learning. Though there were other forms ofmedicine being practiced in the other parts of the world, these three are of special interest to us because they found their way into India at various stages in time and affected the progress of traditional healing methods that are prelevent in the Country today.

These age-old systems, based on herbs and diets, offer a powerfully effective and gentle way to heal, with the least danger of side effects. Today allopathy with its powerful drugs often creates toxic burden for the body - one that the liver is unable to eliminate and which impairs necessary organic physiological processes. The fallout of this has been an increased interest in a holistic approach to health - a return to nature.

Naturopathy seeks to take human beings not back to nature but back to fundamentals of nature. Nature cures are able to cleanse the systems, thus enhancing the body's power to cure itself and its ability to defend itself from germs.

Naturopathy sees health and disease in holistic terms taking into account the inherent relationship between the individual and the cosmic spirit, the individual and cosmic consequences, energy and matter. It Views man as a microcosm, a child of the cosmic forces and the external environment, the macrocosm. There is nothing in the existence without unique value in the cosmos. Life is relational, interdependent, interconnective, a system of mutual nourishment and care, not only physically, but also psychologically and spiritually. It is possible to maintain and sustain good health by believing in the curative powers of the life force, by obeying the laws of nature, and by maintaining a constructive and healthy mental attitude.

Since naturopathy is based on an ancient and traditional system, some may doubt its very relevance, feeling that it does not apply in modern society. But the increasing number of people who are turning to it, is evidence not only of its popularity but also of the fact that naturopathy is medical-metaphysical science of healing, the mother of all healing arts, designed to promote happiness, health and growth.

Alternative Medicines
Ayurveda, Yoga & Tantra, The Tibetan System of Medicine, The Unani System of Medicine, Homoeopathy, Aromatheraphy, Gem Theraphy

Alternative Medicines » Ayurveda . Yoga & Tantra . The Tibetan System of Medicine
The Unani System of Medicine Homoeopathy . Aromatheraphy . Gem Theraphy

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